8 Tips to Create an Effective Facebook Content Plan

Posted by Janice Naidoo in Social on 18 October 2016

Tags: facebook, marketing, online marketing

Whether your goal on Facebook is to generate leads, connect with prospective home-buyers, foster business relationships or simply build your brand's image - having a strategy will enable you to effectively make the most of your business page. However, there are several factors that assist in contributing to a successful Facebook content plan.

The following tips will help you create a content plan to optimise your real estate Facebook page:

1. The 80/20 Rule

Although your Facebook page is an instrumental component of your real estate marketing mix, people use Facebook as a social platform, therefore they don't want to be subjected to dreary and long online sales pitches. To avoid this, always remember the 80/20 rule.

  • 80 percent of your content should be customer-focused. Use content that interests your audience and keeps them engaged.
  • 20 percent of your content should be centered on your business. Create content that promotes your brand and the services you offer.

2. Captivating Photos and Videos

Posts with eye-catching photos and videos stand-out in the news feed, making it more visible for your audience to like, comment and share. You don't need a professional photographer, instead try to showcase your products and services in the most creative way possible. An example would be your property listings; create posts on featured properties and homes on show, along with pictures of appealing homes surrounded by gorgeous sceneries to engage your audiences.

3. The Local Neighbourhood

People care about what is happening in and around their local community, therefore emphasis should be placed on the local neighbourhood. This markets the area to potential home-buyers, and displays your passion and knowledge. Post about local school-related news, community and charity events or highlight a popular local business. Your posts should be relevant and engaging to the community.

4. News and Trending Tips

Blogs are a great way to promote your real estate knowledge. Share your blogs and news articles on your Facebook page by adding the link from your website, a brief summary from your article/blog and an image to grab your audiences’ attention in the news feed. This not only increases activity on your page but also drives traffic back to your website.

In addition, you can link articles and blog posts from other reputable websites to your Facebook page. This sourced content needs to be relevant to your business brand and can cover topics such as, DIY home ideas and tips. You can also share striking photos of home decor projects, property staging, and other trending design ideas.

5. Hashtags

A hashtag is a label that allows social networkers to find messages with a specific theme. Facebook allows you to use hashtags to connect with your market, and extend your posts to reach a wider audience.

Use hashtags that are specific to your Real Estate Company and community. For example, use:

  • Geographic specific tags - #WhyWestville
  • Listing specific tags - #3bedrooms
  • Image specific tags - #decorate

6. Company Insider Posts

Post photos of you and your team to let your audience know who you are. Create fun posts about your company’s team building activities, office events and social gatherings. You can also use your business page to promote your experience, awards and accolades. Behind-the-scenes pictures humanise your business, as your audience want to see transparency. By creating a face for your business, your audience know that they are dealing with real people, not just a faceless establishment.

7. Customer Review and Testimonials

There is nothing more convincing than seeing compliments from past customers. Customer reviews and testimonials are a great way to gain new clients. Although Facebook has a review box on your page, you can also create content by posting photos of happy customers standing next to their newly purchased home and testimonials from clients and companies you have worked with.

8. Boost Your Posts

Boosting posts is an effective and inexpensive way to get more exposure for your content. It’s a simple and easy process. Posts are boosted from your Facebook page and you can boost a post for any amount you want (minimum R10). Boosted posts rank higher on Facebook’s news feed, therefore it’s a great way to get more people to see your content. You can also promote special events, offers and news to reach new audiences through targeting.


When you choose your audience through targeting, you will be able to specify the type of audience you show your boosted post to. Then, refine their locations, ages, genders and interests.


You are permitted to spend a minimum of R10 on each post. Facebook will give you an estimate on the number of people you’re going to reach depending on the amount you set.


A post can be boosted for a minimum of one day, over and above this, you can boost it for up to seven days.

When creating a Facebook content plan, always remember that it needs to be relevant, engaging and informative to your audience. By incorporating the above mentioned factors, your page will transform into an effective tool that takes complete advantage of the digital marketing age.