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Real Estate on Facebook: 10 Types of Content to Source

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Content on 12 December 2014

Tags: facebook, marketing, online marketing, social media

The unwritten rule of social media is the 80/20 split.  That is 80% of your content should be about lifestyles, client interests and similar updates while only 20% of your content should be self-promotion.  Content can be difficult to create or source, so with this in mind, we have put together a list of 10 types of content to source and post for your real estate agency’s Facebook page.

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Profiling Your Developments

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Content on 19 September 2014

Tags: internet marketing, lead generation, online marketing, seo

We recently covered how to create a perfect area profile, the aim being to sell an area and lifestyle to a prospective buyer before they have even seen a listing in that area.  New developments are very similar, in that you can promote a development itself to those looking for a particular lifestyle by simply describing the development itself and what it has to offer the prospective buyer.

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Evergreen Content

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Content on 02 June 2013

Tags: internet marketing, lead generation, online marketing, seo

Onsite content can be divided into two general categories, evergreen content and trending content. Just like the name indicates, evergreen web content stays useful season to season, year to year with little or no need for upkeep. Trending content generally covers a specific event or change in a market. While trending articles may bring in substantial volumes of traffic as the story breaks this can quickly fade as the article becomes out-dated or irrelevant.

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