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Drive More Organic Traffic from Google

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 08 February 2017

Tags: content marketing, google

Driving high-volumes of traffic to your website is imperative in generating quality leads. In South Africa, Google currently accounts for 90% of all search traffic and up to 60 – 70% of all traffic to real estate websites – making Google, by far, the single largest source of website traffic. Therefore, the greater your organic visibility on Google, the greater the number of visits to your website and the greater your chances of converting those visitors into high quality leads. 

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Boost Your Organic Search Engine Visibility

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 17 February 2016

Tags: google, local search, seo

When a search is done on Google, searchers are presented with an array of search results. Organic search results are located below paid search ads, but often enjoy a better click through rate as searchers prefer the search engine selection of webpages to that of ads. Search results are presented to searchers based on relevance. There are a number of areas that can be optimised on your real estate website to increase your relevance for innumerable searches.

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Organic vs Paid Search

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 09 December 2015

Tags: local search, paid search, seo

With most property searches originating online, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that prospective clients can find your real estate website easily. Can you be found on Google organically or through paid search? Here's the difference and benefits of each.

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Google's Panda back from the dead

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 02 December 2015

Tags: content marketing, seo

After about a year of relative inactivity, is Google's Panda back from the dead? Multiple webmaster forums, including industry leaders, have reported that Google's latest update appears to focus primarily on the quality of content on a website. Are you making the most of your real estate website?

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Areas to Improve Your Real Estate SEO

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 16 January 2015

Tags: google, internet marketing, lead generation, online marketing, seo, website maintenance

So you’ve (re)developed your website with the aim of generating leads for your real estate business.  While there are numerous ways of generating traffic to your website, traffic from organic search remains the most cost effective way of promoting your website and generating leads.  By optimising your website for the search engines you increase the likelihood of reaching an ever increasing audience and growing your real estate business online.

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Rankings, Do They Matter?

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 25 July 2014

Tags: online marketing, seo

Every website owner has the desire to not only have a beautiful, functional website, but also for that website to become an active marketing tool.  The first step for any website to being successful is being found.  Visibility in the various search engines, more often primarily by Google, is then crucial to being found.

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Effective Landing Pages

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 13 June 2014

Tags: online marketing, seo

When somebody mentions something about a “landing page” or even a “doorway page” you may immediately dismiss that as an archaic practice.  But today with the search engines indexing almost every page (and document) of a website, “Every page of a site indexed by search engines is a potential landing page.”

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