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Drive More Organic Traffic from Google

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 08 February 2017

Tags: content marketing, google

Driving high-volumes of traffic to your website is imperative in generating quality leads. In South Africa, Google currently accounts for 90% of all search traffic and up to 60 – 70% of all traffic to real estate websites – making Google, by far, the single largest source of website traffic. Therefore, the greater your organic visibility on Google, the greater the number of visits to your website and the greater your chances of converting those visitors into high quality leads. 

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Google's Panda back from the dead

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 02 December 2015

Tags: content marketing, seo

After about a year of relative inactivity, is Google's Panda back from the dead? Multiple webmaster forums, including industry leaders, have reported that Google's latest update appears to focus primarily on the quality of content on a website. Are you making the most of your real estate website?

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Five Unusual Sources for Web Traffic

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 09 January 2015

Tags: content marketing, internet marketing, lead generation, marketing, tips

In recent weeks we’ve covered various best practices of search optimisation, email and paid online marketing.  There are however numerous other methods of generating traffic to your website that are often overlooked.  While less likely to generate the volumes of traffic the above mentioned sources, these may help improve the overall quality of traffic to your website, improving the likelihood of a conversion from visitor into client.

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Converting Visitors Into Active Leads

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Management on 02 April 2013

Tags: content marketing, lead generation

In internet marketing, conversion optimisation is the method of creating an experience for a website visitor with the goal of increasing the likelihood of that visitor converting into an active lead. You’ve managed to draw traffic to your website; visitors have remained on the website and have come across a listing that interests them. The goal now is to convert that visitor into a genuine lead. This is where conversion optimisation comes into its own, maximising the likelihood of a visitor taking some action and making contact with the website owner in some way.

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