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Stuck for Newsletter Ideas?

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Email on 30 January 2015

Tags: email marketing, email newsletter, internet marketing, lead generation, online marketing

We’ve covered the importance of branded email correspondence as well as regular email newsletters for your real estate company.  We’ve also established that regular news updates to your website can help convert website visitors into active leads.  So we’ve established that news remains important, but what exactly makes up news?

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Areas to Improve Your Real Estate SEO

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 16 January 2015

Tags: google, internet marketing, lead generation, online marketing, seo, website maintenance

So you’ve (re)developed your website with the aim of generating leads for your real estate business.  While there are numerous ways of generating traffic to your website, traffic from organic search remains the most cost effective way of promoting your website and generating leads.  By optimising your website for the search engines you increase the likelihood of reaching an ever increasing audience and growing your real estate business online.

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Five Unusual Sources for Web Traffic

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 09 January 2015

Tags: content marketing, internet marketing, lead generation, marketing, tips

In recent weeks we’ve covered various best practices of search optimisation, email and paid online marketing.  There are however numerous other methods of generating traffic to your website that are often overlooked.  While less likely to generate the volumes of traffic the above mentioned sources, these may help improve the overall quality of traffic to your website, improving the likelihood of a conversion from visitor into client.

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Facebook Advertising: The Secret to Quick Likes

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Social on 28 November 2014

Tags: facebook, lead generation, marketing, online marketing, social media

You’ve created a Facebook Page for your business, it’s slowing gaining more likes as more people are starting to like and more importantly comment on your posts.  But, this isn’t happening quite a quickly as you would like it to.  Once you’ve started connecting with your potential clients on Facebook, you’ll want to find other people who are likely to be interested in your product or service.

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How to build, segment and maintain an effective mailing list

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Email on 21 November 2014

Tags: email marketing, email newsletter, email stationery, lead generation

Email newsletter marketing is one of the most powerful, cost-effective and measurable forms of direct marketing as it enables you to mass communicate your marketing messages, distribute information, promote your real estate business and listings; keep your brand at the forefront of your clients mind; stay in regular contact and drive repeat traffic to your website. However, the key to any successful email newsletter marketing campaign is building, segmenting and maintaining an effective mailing list.

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The Impact of Mobi for Real Estate

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 17 October 2014

Tags: lead generation, mobi, mobile web

We recently covered the shift from desktop to mobile internet usage and the importance of offering both audiences optimal website experience.  After considering the advantages and disadvantages of responsive websites or the option of creating a separate mobile specific website, we at Prop Data decided to opt for the latter.  It was generally decided that when targeting the mobile real estate market that a specialised mobile website would offer the end user the best possible experience.

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