Become an online marketing guru. Prop Data Knowledge offers you free advice, guides, check lists and infographics on how to market real estate on the internet.
Web syndication is a form of syndication in which website material is made available to multiple other sites. More commonly, web syndication refers to making web feeds available from a similar website in order to provide other people with a summary or update of the website's recently added content (for example, the latest news or new listing information).
Today most property searches start online. Those searching for a new home or office will often turn to the internet for information on what is available. This quickly moved having a website from a nice to have form of marketing to a necessity. If you can't be found online, you won't be generating a lead.
One of the primary objectives of a Prop Data website is to encourage visitors to ‘opt in’ and subscribe to our client’s monthly email newsletter. The idea is to build a large and qualified database of prospective buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants and then communicate with them on a regular basis via email.
You may have noticed that there are certain times of the year that traffic may rise or fall depending on the industry you target. While just about all online business activity grinds to a halt over the year end shut downs.
Each month, around the second, we send out the Prop Data Insights report which makes a month to month comparison in traffic volumes and traffic trends. While not particularly indepth, this report is supposed to provide a quick summary of the past month's activity, highlighting points of interest or of concern.