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Tweet This

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Social on 28 March 2014

Tags: social media, twitter

Twitter is an online social networking service that allows users to send and read short 140-character text messages, called tweets.  Registered users and read and post tweets but unregistered users are only able to read publicly available posts.  Tweets are publically visible by default, but users can restrict message delivery to just authorised followers.

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What is Social Media?

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Social on 07 March 2014

Tags: facebook, google, linkedin, pinterest, social media, twitter

The best way to define social media is to break it down.  Media is an instrument of communication, like a newspaper or television advertisement, social media would then be through the use of a social medium to promote communication.  In online terms, social media would generally be a website or application that not only offers you information but interacts with you.  This interaction could be as simple as requesting a comment or a vote on an article, or can be as complex making recommendations to you based on previous interaction or popularity based on other users with similar interests.

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