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Property Viewing by Video

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 29 November 2013

Tags: propertytube, videos, virtual tours

Real estate agents are no longer just selling homes; they are pitching the lifestyle which comes along with the property.  While photos and panoramic views of properties are useful and can be quite effective, videos can provide unique, in-depth and interactive property viewing experiences.  This new way of presenting a home is truly amazing, captivating a viewer and actively promoting the lifestyle through a more interactive presentation.  Videos add a level of trust to a website that is difficult to do with simply words and photographs.

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The Magic of Multimedia

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 02 September 2013

Tags: multimedia, propertytube, videos, virtual tours, youtube

Turning a static property listing on your website into an interactive virtual property viewing experience can drastically improve the response on any listing.  By employing interactive mediums such as a videos or virtual tours you will better engage your website visitors and increase the speed with which a property can be viewed, assessed and short-listed by providing your buyers and tenants with the tools they need to view a property as if they were actually there!

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Improve the Quality of Your Listings

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Management on 16 July 2013

Tags: google maps, lead generation, online marketing, videos, virtual tours, website maintenance

Without driving any more traffic to your website you can drastically increase the quantity of leads generated by simply improving the quality of your website’s property listings. This is key factor in Conversion Optimisation – the process of improving a website and enhancing the user’s online experience for the sole purpose of increasing the conversion rate of visits into leads.

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