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Mobile Website or Responsive Design

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 29 August 2014

Tags: mobi, mobile web, ux, website maintenance, website update

We already know that there is big shift towards mobile internet usage with approximately 4 in 10 online users doing so on a mobile device.  It may seem that ideally a website should be able to offer a quality mobile experience without having to change a line of code, but the reality is that a website designed specifically for mobile devices will always provide a much better user experience.

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Advanced Property Search

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 20 June 2014

Tags: ux, website update

We covered the value of creating a great user experience in a previous blog post.  While we covered seven of the most important aspects of user experience briefly, for real estate websites the most important aspect of creating an unmatched user experience is possibly the property search.

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Location Location Location

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Websites on 02 March 2013

Tags: google places, internet marketing, lead generation, local search, online marketing, seo, website update

Often regarded as the number one rule in real estate, this rule rings true when marketing real estate online. We all know that the more specific the search, the more relevant your webpage is to that search and the better your chances are of converting that visitor into a lead. This is where location really comes into the mix. Most property related searches that will lead to an enquiry will include an area, after all property remains an immovable asset.

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Meta Tags Go Zombie

Posted by Ras Chunylall in Search on 05 February 2013

Tags: glossary, google, lead generation, meta tags, online marketing, website maintenance, website update

I’ve heard time and time again that “Meta Tags are Dead!” While this may ring true when it comes to gaining a good rank in the SERPs there are always two sides to every story. While it is accepted that this tag certainly isn’t going to aid your rankings, it could make a massive difference when it comes to searchers clicking through to your website.

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