Become an online marketing guru. Prop Data Knowledge offers you free advice, guides, check lists and infographics on how to market real estate on the internet.
A QR (short for quick response) code is a type of two dimensional barcode. Initially developed, patented and owned by Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave for car parts management. After deciding to not to exercise their patent rights, QR Codes have been adopted by various other industries.
We recently covered how to create a perfect area profile, the aim being to sell an area and lifestyle to a prospective buyer before they have even seen a listing in that area. New developments are very similar, in that you can promote a development itself to those looking for a particular lifestyle by simply describing the development itself and what it has to offer the prospective buyer.
Most of us know intuitively that there has been a huge increase in mobile browsing. We see people at work, in restaurants and those waiting for others constantly fixated with their smart phones. Much of this activity it taking place online as people connect with others or search for information on a subject.
It is reported that the shift from desktop computing to mobile devices is happening faster than previously thought. The rapid adoption of smartphones and tablets represents an unprecedented transformation in the way that consumers might access digital services including the web.
Property24 recently announced that they were South Africa's 26th biggest website. This, being an impressive claim, would suggest that they have a method of determining this. On further investigation we were led to SimilarWeb.
Launching a real estate website, as with all new projects, requires a good deal of planning and consideration. There are a few points that should be considered before undertaking the actual development itself.
Today most property searches start online. Those searching for a new home or office will often turn to the internet for information on what is available. This quickly moved having a website from a nice to have form of marketing to a necessity. If you can't be found online, you won't be generating a lead.
One of the primary objectives of a Prop Data website is to encourage visitors to ‘opt in’ and subscribe to our client’s monthly email newsletter. The idea is to build a large and qualified database of prospective buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants and then communicate with them on a regular basis via email.
I often hear people quote hits as a measurement of website traffic or popularity. This however can be a misleading statistic as many might not understand the difference between a hit a visitor or a view.